
We're refining existing standards and are seeking perspectives from folks with experience in these fields: Health care, Law enforcement, Government services, Social services, Community organizing, Legal services.

Volunteers and the Reimagine 911 team will develop incident categories and tags that sit on top of the APCO incident type standards. View the 2019 APCO incident type standards here.

Reimagine911 will use these structures to standardize jurisdictional datasets and analyze aggregated data.

Supporting Data Standards

In our interviews with 911 stakeholders one thing that came across regularly and clearly was a desire for standards-based collaboration. In that spirit, we will be centering our standardization effort around the 2019 APCO Incident Type standards.


However, in order to support both our standardization UI and the downstream analysis that will be applied to our aggregated dataset, we want to develop a categorization and tagging system that sits on top of the APCO codes.

Incident Classification: Tagging standard 911 codes