1️⃣ Get Started

2️⃣ Send a Message

3️⃣ Work with Identity Documents

4️⃣ Work with Tax Documents

5️⃣ Complete Greeter Training

Rename Tax Documents

The process for renaming tax documents is similar to renaming identity documents. Once you gain experience, you will probably want to rename both types of documents at the same time.

Click on the File name to view the document. Make a note for yourself of the type of document, the tax year, and the payer or payee. For example, an employer is a payer and a nanny is a payee for childcare expenses.

To rename a document, click on Edit at the far right of the screen. Then follow these three steps:

  1. Select the appropriate document type.

  2. Select the tax year.

  3. Type a meaningful Display name using the following convention: type_payerorpayee_year_condition

    For example:

    A W-2 with 2020 earnings from KFC would be w2_kfc_2020.

    A 1099-INT for interest from an account at Bank of America would be 1099int_boa_2020

    A receipt paid to Kindercare for childcare would be receipt_kindercare_2020

Rename all tax documents. This will help you complete the next steps and will also help tax preparers and other volunteers throughout the process.

⚠️ View the documents directly in your browser — do not download any client documents to your computer.

⚠️ Documents for the wrong tax year can be uploaded in error. If you encounter one, alert the preparer by including the year in the display name and do not assign a year from the dropdown list - just leave it blank.

Look at Tax Documents

Just like you did for identity documents, look at the tax documents to see if they are clear enough to read. If the document is not clear enough to read after zooming in, use Edit to change the Display name of the file.

For example, a blurry 1099-MISC with 2020 earnings from Avon would be 1099misc_avon_2020_blurry.

Check for Tax Documents

For this step, refer to page 2 of the client's 13614-C Intake Questionnaire and to the Greeter Guide to Tax Documents on the13614-C.

Here is a link to a sample 13614-C: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f13614c.pdf